Reset your habits from the inside
out — in only 6 weeks.


Doors close in…

If you're like most of my (high-achieving, driven) clients, the start of every year excites you with the prospect of a fresh start.

High with “New Year New You” energy, you make lists of everything you want to change, everything you want to do, over the course of the next 12 months.

The list making is delicious.

Now, if you're also like most of my clients — you fly blissfully through the first couple of the weeks of the year, high on the hopes of creating real change for your life this time, this is gonna be the year you really write that novel, run that marathon, or start that spacious morning routine.

You may even go as far as carefully crafting lists and charts, establishing goal posts, and plugging everything neatly into your Google calendar to support your intentions.

You might even reach out to a couple loved ones who say they're keen on making some big habit changes themselves.

But for most of us, by February, it feels like the flood of progress and enthusiasm is slowing to a trickle.

Maybe things pick up at work, so by the time you’re done with the day you don’t have the energy to hit the gym — and definitely not the energy to do battle with all those people for space on a treadmill.

You become more exhausted by the second just thinking about wading through a gym packed with New Years Resolution warriors all fighting for an inch of mirror space.

Ugh. Not tonight.

You tell yourself you'll get home and immediately exercise to a home workout on YouTube...but the power of inertia is too great, and you end up instead scrolling TikTok for hours with your work clothes still on.

Or perhaps you promised yourself you'd start journaling every day... but the mountain of the papers that have been piling up on your desk have to be sorted and filed before you can start, and that's just too overwhelming to address.

So maybe you decide to treat yourself to playing The Sims for an hour (to ease the anxiety about the effort involved in filing, of course), only to look up and realize you've spent hours designing the perfect spooky mansion for your vampire Sims family, and now it's time for bed.

It might be that the "one drink" when you get home from work to help you unwind and transition into the evening has turned into...well, more then that, and before you know it you're lost in a sea of couch cushions and blankets, tipsy and 4 episodes further into Yellowstone than you meant to be.

Numbing has become a habit.

I know from personal experience how discouraging it is to feel fired up, have the best of intentions to create something, tackle a big meaningful project, or change the way you're using your time, only to feel like you've failed to stick to your plans before you've even really gotten started. (AGAIN.)

Now, let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR:

There’s nothing wrong with watching TV, playing video games, scrolling through socials, treating yourself to whatever potion makes you float, or competing to be the world’s greatest couch potato.

There’s absolutely NOTHING to be ashamed of here.

None of these habits are bad. In fact, I love doing ALL of these things myself.

It’s important to EMBRACE and INCORPORATE joyful activities that relax us, rejuvenate us, and uplift us.

What's important is whether the habit is intentional, purposeful, and actively chosen, or if they're running on autopilot.

When habits that dissociate us, numb us, and "check us out" get in the way of us going after the things we say we really want, we need to pause and take stock of what's going on with ourselves.

(Chances are, we have some needs that aren’t really getting met.)

If you’re nodding your head thinking “yep, #relatablecontent” — I know you want this year to be the year you make impactful change.

Whether it’s wanting to eat more of the foods that help you feel your best, take 30 minutes every day of quiet time to meditate, journal, or stare at a wall and let your thoughts flow freely, uninterrupted, hang out with friends more or try out dance class, you can picture the things you’d love doing.

You can taste how good it would feel to carve out time to do something that truly nurtures your soul.

And you *can…*but if you want this year to turn out differently than any other year, you’re going to have to do it a different way.


‘RESET: The 6 Week Inside-Out Habit Makeover’

A six week program dedicated to helping you give your life a complete habits overhaul.

This is a personal practice I do annually to prepare my space, my body, my energetic field in order to create a solid foundation for all the work I'm going to do throughout the year, and make my success inevitable (and even ease-filled).

The RESET practice has been so valuable for me because it provides a space for me to become mindful of habits and behaviors that may have started to run on autopilot. During my RESET time, I create space to feel, be curious, and explore what I’m doing, what I’m not doing, what’s working, and what needs to be released and replaced.

For the first time, I’m sharing this powerful transformational practice with YOU!

When you join RESET, over 6 weeks we’ll come together to take a fine tooth comb to three major areas of your life: your physical space, your body, and your energy.

Each week I’ll guide you through the week’s intention, and support and coach you through any challenges that might arise on our group Zoom call.

You’ll receive a journaling workbook to help you explore feelings and insights that come up during every step of the process.

You’ll learn how to create the space you need in your life to make room for the things you want to invite in, and create an environment that makes your success inevitable.

Now I feel more confident, so much more clear, connected to self and able to step more out of overwhelm and reactivity to nurture and growth. I step into my self empowered leadership to nurture my productivity and compassionately journey toward my goals.

Maybe you’re thinking you shouldn’t need help to change. You should just be able to set your mind to it and do it, right?

You made all the lists. You put it on the calendar! You should just be able to stick to it.

You might be thinking the problem is strictly an internal one, something that no one can help you with: you just need more motivation. Maybe you think willpower is all it takes.

And why wouldn’t you think that? We all see these messages from self-help gurus that say if you just “decide and stick to it” everything will come together.

They say all you have to do is get up extra early, out work the competition, have the willpower to push through even on the hardest days…

But that’s actually not how habit change works.

Here’s what you need to know:

Willpower and motivation are finite resources for everyone because they’re emotions, and all emotions are temporary.

Motivation comes as a burst of energy and excitement. It’s not designed to last forever!

Willpower shows up as a little extra bit of grim determination to stay with something even when it’s extremely uncomfortable. That’s not designed to be forever either!

But they are valuable tools, if we harness them and use them well.

In the moment you feel motivation, the most helpful thing you can do is create systems, structures, accountability, and support so that you can continue your new behavior when the motivation wears off.

That’s what we’ll do together in RESET.

We’ll use the top of the year enthusiasm that you usually pour into jumping straight to behavior change, and build a series of frameworks that supports long-term change.

You’ll go through your house and make sure your home environment supports your new habit (do you need to convert your garage into a dance practice space? Clear out and reorganize your desk so that you can use it for writing? Set up a meditation corner? Get new Tupperware and organize a space for meal prep?)

Whatever the change you’re desiring to create, your new habits are easier to stick to when you can see the space you created for them, and the space looks inviting.

We’ll evaluate all of our daily habits, to discern exactly what’s working and what’s not, and gradually make affirming adjustments that help us realistically balance our need for rest and relaxation, with our desire to do for ourselves.

And the most important piece: we’ll do it in community.

When the people you live with, your friends, coworkers, or family don’t share your drive for personal improvement, it can be really hard to stick to change. It’s like trying to quit smoking when you live with a fellow smoker — it’s so much harder than if you lived with a non-smoker, or you were quitting together.

Studies show that one of the biggest determining factors in whether someone sticks with attending a new dance, yoga, or gym class, is whether they make friends at the class within the first two visits. Having people there that you enjoy seeing, that you can rely on for accountability and camaraderie, makes all the difference for us.

RESET you’ll be with a group of people who are all committed to creating lasting personal change. You’ll have an opportunity to see and be seen, to support and be supported.

A focused, intentional community can be the difference between being stuck in a perpetual challenge, and creating lasting change in our lives. You’ll have a true opportunity to be seen, supported, and celebrated by me as your coach, and connect with other organized and highly motivated peers who will be doing the work right alongside you.

I want to help you maintain the momentum of New Year's goal-setting and intentions in a community of like-minded people that are working towards similar ends.


‘RESET: The 6 Week Inside-Out Habit Makeover’

What’s included:

6 live Zoom calls (recordings will be available)

Live opening and closing circles

Weekly journaling prompts to keep you focused, curious, and inspired

Private Facebook group to ask questions, share wins, and celebrate your peers

Live group coaching calls to support you when you’re feeling stuck

Opening circle is February 6 at 5pm Pacific Time

Working with Mica has been wonderful! She listens & offers a fresh perspective on situations I've been trying to work out. She is true light guiding me toward self discovery.

A building cannot be built without a foundation. This year, give yourself the gift of approaching change creation in a different way — a way that’s gentle, realistic, life-affirming, reassuring, and refreshing, rather than the white knuckling, punishing, high pressure, unrealistic expectations of the old way.

Picture yourself 6 weeks from now, in a home that’s been optimized to support your new healthy exciting hobbies and practices, feeling healthy, clear, energetically refreshed, and calmly, easefully committed to continuing to return, again and again, to the small daily behaviors that are leading you toward your desires.

Feel how proud you’ll be when you reach December of 2024 and realize you’ve made huge strides on the intentions you set at the beginning of the year, dusting off your finished novel, or feeling how months of being consistent in your movement practice have resulted in progress that’s clear even to you?

Imagine how confident you’ll be going into next year, knowing that now that you know the RESET practice, you can do it every year, and you know exactly where to put your excited “New Years Resolution” momentum.

Let 2023 be the last year that you fell off on your New Years plans within a few months.

Let 2024 be the year everything changes for you — in a sustainable way.


‘RESET: The 6 Week Inside-Out Habit Makeover’

What’s included:

- 6 live Zoom calls (recordings will be available)

- Live opening and closing circles

- Weekly journaling prompts to keep you focused, curious, and inspired

- Private Facebook group to ask questions, share wins, and celebrate your peers

- Live group coaching calls to support you when you’re feeling stuck

- Opening circle is February 6 at 5pm PST

My biggest take away from Mica’s sessions is how helpful it was for another person to witness my emotions and feelings without judgment or agenda. I knew I kept finding my worth in productivity and I couldn’t get out of that cycle. Once Mica took me through her exercises which enabled me to just be me and nothing more in a moment, it was profoundly simple yet life changing.

This program is for you if you:

  • Have trouble making changes without support

  • Are ready to get curious and honest about leaks and roadblocks

  • Are sick of making big plans and not being able to stick to them

  • Are ready to stop beating yourself up over not being able to stick to your plans

This program is not for you if you:

  • Don’t want to share your progress & support with a group

  • Don’t use Facebook

  • Aren’t motivated to make changes in your life


‘RESET: The 6 Week Inside-Out

Habit Makeover’